By: Ejiofor Obiora and Okwuowulu Ifebuche.

It was a moment of joy on Thursday, 8th August, at the Imoke Hall, Old UNTH, as the College of Community Health, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu, marks her 45th Anniversary/ Homecoming.
While making his remark, Prof. Christopher N. Obionu, who was the the Chairman of the occasion, and the representative of the Chief Medical Director, UNTH, Prof. Obinna Onodugo and the chairman of the occasion, commended the hospital management for their role in taking the school to a greater height.

The Head of the College, Mrs Njemanze during her Address

While delivering her welcome address, the Principal of the College, Mrs Clare Njemanze states that training of community Health Officers became imperative as a response to the growing demand of improvement of Health Care delivery at the grass root level. She narrated how the Community Health Practitioners Registration Board Of Nigeria (CHPRBN) approved the Induction and Certification of graduating students in the year 2020 and awarded them Higher Diploma upon completion of the relevant training. While “going down the memory lane” She said, “The Community Health Officer ( CHO) training Programme began at UNTH in 1979 with Prof. Bonny Nwakobi as the pioneer coordinator and the first set of students were admitted and trained for a period of one year. The training period was further increased to 2 years following accreditation of more courses”. In conclusion, she thanked the Management of the Hospital for their support and also pleaded for employment of more tutors to help in service delivery and improved electricity supply to the school.

From the left Prof. Christopher N. Obionu, Prof. Aniwada Elias, Mrs Ezeonu Azuka, Mrs Opara and Mrs Njemanze Clara

Earlier on her Keynote address, Mrs Salome Abah from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital and also a Graduate of the School,
specifically pointed out the migration of the institution from pen and paperwork, to online learning. He urged both the students and aspiring ones to equip themselves with computer knowledge, which will enable them utilise this new trend of online learning.

In attendance were The Director of Administration, UNTH, Mrs Obi Uchenna, represented by Mr Okechukwu Onaga, Prof Aniwada who was a former Coordinator of the Program, Mr Peter Nwede who ably represented the registrar of the Board of Community Health Practitioners, Mr Henry Amaku Secretary of the Primary Health Care Association, who also is an alumnus and Prof. Chika Onwuasigwe .

Highlights of the Occasion included, Welcome song by the College Students, cutting of cake, Presentation of awards, Drama presentation, Cultural Dance and Hip-hop Dance.