The Nursing Services Division (NSD) of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku – Ozalla Enugu, headed by Mrs. Chinwe Achukwu, Director Nursing Services/HNS, oversees all aspects of Nursing care, Nursing Administration, Staffing and Posting. The division started at the inception of the hospital and has had many past Heads of division. NSD is divided into Units namely: Medical, Surgical, Special Surgery, Paediatrics, Theatre complex, Maternity, Oncology, Accident and Emergency, NeuroSurgical Unit, Private suite, Continuing Education and Research Unit.
Units are headed by the Deputy Director of Nursing (DDN) who in turn is accountable to the Director of Nursing /Head, Nursing Services. There are numerous nurses with Post Basic Nursing qualifications in specialised nursing areas such as Cardiothoracic, Perioperative, Ophthalmic, Paediatrics, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology (ENT), Oncology/Palliative Nursing, Nursing Education, Infection Control and Occupational Health Nursing.
Over eighty percent (80o/o) of the nurses now have Bachelors and Masters degrees while many others are pursuing doctorate degrees in Nursing.
The NSD vision statement is “changing the face of nursing towards patient – centered, consumer driven and provider friendly service.”
Our main tools for quality nursing care are Nursing Process and Pain Charts. Nurses in the division render varied services ranging from direct client care, counseling in different settings such as Sickle Cell Clinic, Oncology/Palliative Clinics, HIV Clinics, Anter-natal, Post-natal, Family Planning and other out-patient clinics. Nurses are also involved in patient observation, assessment and care in special settings like the X-ray unit, Blood bank, Radiotherapy Centre and Colposcopy room.
“We are a compassionate team of health care providers committed to excellence in serving a diverse population by ensuring relationship-based care, while maintaining clinical and operational excellence.”
Nurses who work in the Renal Unit are skilled in operating dialysis machines; they give Pre, Intra and Post dialysis care to patients. They monitor, provide support and care for patients during Catheter Implantation and Renal Biopsies.
The HIV clinic is a special area where nurses are involved in the counselling, observation and care of patients with HIV/AIDS on an outpatient basis. The clinic runs on weekdays. They work with other team members like Doctors, Counsellors, Laboratory Scientists, Social Workers etc.
Trained nurses in this specialty area offer all kinds of services related to fertility control, counselling and training for health personnel from within and outside Enugu.
The oncology Unit of the division started in 2006 as a peer support system for patients suffering from cancer. The unit organizes cancer awareness outreaches to various communities. The Oncology outpatient clinic and ward took off in full swing in 2008. The Palliative Care Unit, also commenced in September 2008. The various sub-units of Oncology/Palliative Unit, which include Cancer Registry Navigation, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, and Pain Management, are manned by well-trained nurses in these areas.
Continuing Education and Research Unit
The Nursing Services Division has a Continuing Education and Research Unit (CERU) which oversees Continuing Education Programmes for nurses in form of workshops, seminars, clinical conferences and orientation courses for newly employed and newly promoted nurses. The Continuing Education Unit also oversees the affairs of visiting student nurses and Post Basic Nurses from different schools within the South East.
Attached to this Unit Are;
- A nursing services library equipped with various books and journals for nurses
- A computer lab with internet facility to aid easy access to updated information and research .
The Nursing Services Division celebrates the Annual Florence Nightingale week every second week in the month of May. It usually starts with a thanksgiving service in honour of our Founder, Florence Nightingale and includes scientific sessions, outreaches, health walks, March Pasts, Football matches and carnivals. It is usually a colourful event.
The department also organizes annual training and retraining of nurses with updated courses to keep them abreast of current trends in Nursing Practice.