The Chief Medical Director, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Prof. Obinna Onodugo today, 25th March, 2024 handed over the newly designed UNTH Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu Master Plan to the Director of Works, UNTH, Arch. Ngozi Okwulehie.

The event which took place at the office of the CMD, has in attendance, the Chairman Medical Advisory Committee, (CMAC), Prof Joy Eze and Engr. Lazarus Okoye.

The CMD, Prof Obinna Onodugo, Chairman Medical Advisory Committee, (CMAC), Prof Joy Eze, Engr. Lazarus Okoye and Arch. Ngozi Okwulehie during the event

In her reaction, Arch. Okwulehie thanked the Management of the hospital and said that the master plan is “a dynamic long term planning document that provides a layout to guide future developments and growth. That is, it shows a comprehensive future land use plan”

Okoruwa Patrick & Uchelue Boniface