By: Enem Remigus & Okeh Paul.

The 10th House of Representative’s committee on health institutions, on a nation – wide tour of Teaching Hospitals, visited the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku/Ozalla, on Friday, 26th April, 2024. During the visit, the committee had a plenary session comprising of top management and Heads of Departments, an executive session comprising of top management, a special session with Labour Union leaders and project inspection.

In his welcome address, the Chief Medical Director, Prof Obinna Onodugo, thanked the committee for their visit and expressed confidence that their engagements with the hospital management will help them perfect in doing the right things.

Furthermore, the CMD listed some areas of his administration’s interventions in the hospital to include the formation of the UNTH Foundation, reduction of equipment gap, example is the recent procurement and installation of a state – of the – art Radiotherapy machine. He also listed the infrastructural development going on in the hospital, staff training, Quality Performance Review (QPR) as part the achievements of his management. He however listed security as the major challenge confronting the hospital among other challenges that includes power and lack of staff quarters.

House of Representatives Committee Chairman of Health institutions, Hon Amos Gwamna Magaji in a warm handshake with Professor Obinna Onodugo, the CMD of UNTH.

In his response, the Chairman of the House committee on health institutions and member representing Zango Kataf/ Jabba Federal Constituency of Kaduna State, Hon Amos Gwamna Magaji, said they were in UNTH to fulfill their constitutional mandate of scrutinizing the work of government. He stated that they were not in a vindictive mission, but that they needed to ensure that the right things are done in Federal health institutions.

The Chairman commended the CMD and his team on their achievements so far but added that they can do more with regards to Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). He said that with an improved IGR, management would be able to address some of their challenges without much ado. He however promised that the committee will look into some of the needs highlighted by management as he suggested that management can also engage Enugu State government in order to attract development that will in turn lure people from town to live around the hospital.

The committee later embarked on an inspection visit to some on – going projects in the hospital.

Other members of the committee present include; the committee vice Chairman Hon Adesola Olumuyiwa Adedayo, Hon Dr Martin Oke and Hon. Prof Paul Nnamchi.